Alchemy: Key Circle

Raw Text

4 Key to the Archive
4 Teleportation Circle
4 Oswald Fiddlebender
4 Moon-Blessed Cleric
4 Portable Hole
4 Spare Supplies
2 Lithoform Engine
4 Replicating Ring
4 Skyclave Relic
4 Doomskar
22 Plains

It's a brand new format and a brand new experience. The moment I saw spoiled I knew I had to use it for my very first deck. Playing cards that are banned in historic, in a format designed to be around the power level of standard was just something too good to pass up.

Playing With Power

Ok, maybe not legacy power, but power none the less. Key to the Archives lets you grab some of the most powerful cards in the game in exchange for whatever trash you might have to toss away. Once we get going even one of these cards per turn can often mean taking voer the game, and once we do that cards like Time Warp and Approach of the Second Sun quickly turn into the win.

Finding Power

Building a deck around a single card is rarely ever a good idea. To help us beat the odds we are running a full playset of Oswald Fiddlebender to help us tutor up our artifact.

Keeping Power

Getting out Key to the Archive is only the first step. As a once time effect this is alright, but we don't want to settle for single time. That is why we are running a full playset of Teleportation Circle to flicker it every turn, and 2 Lithoform Engine to help double up the effect. This can lead to an absurd amount of value.


Key to the Archive requires us to discard a card while we are resolving it's effect. We can always throw away a land we drew or something we don't need like a duplicate Lithoform Engine, but we often want just a little more value. Spare Supplies serves a couple roles in this deck. First it gets us a card on it's ETB which we can copy with Lithoform Engine, second it gives us a cheap cantrip to use later for Oswald Fiddlebender on our way up to additional copies of our main piece.


Our deck is aimed at closing things out in the mid to late game, to make that possible we need to keep agressive decks in check. Key to the Archives itself offers a few excelent pieces to do this, but we are also running a few options for more agressive decks. You'll find a full playset of both Portable Hole and Doomskar to keep aggro at bay.

Additionally, even though Key to the Archives gets us the card, aside from it's fixing it does not actually help us cast it. For that reason we are running 8 mana producing artifacts to help us fix our colors. As a bonus at 3 mv Oswald Fiddlebender can turn any one of these into a Key to the Archives.

Otherwise the deck is a very basic mono-white control deck running only basic lands.